

$ apt-cache show mimms
Package: mimms
Priority: optional
Section: universe/net
Installed-Size: 112
Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>
Original-Maintainer: Wesley J. Landaker <wjl@icecavern.net>
Architecture: all
Version: 3.2.1-1
Depends: libmms0, python (>= 2.5), python-central (>= 0.6.6), python2.5
Filename: pool/universe/m/mimms/mimms_3.2.1-1_all.deb
Size: 10630
MD5sum: fad17290f2fc32eb0ec8133964caa116
SHA1: 63320a1dc71aa57dc8f0cc5357d63e8a306a99fa
SHA256: 8909e8052962c9b9b54e0dd12a7b1da9c1b11266c6b07d7c0d28973a18141b6f
Description: mms (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
 mimms is a program designed to allow you to download streams using the
 MMS protocol and save them to your computer, as opposed to watching them
 live. Similar functionality is available in full media player suites such
 as Xine, MPlayer, and VLC, but mimms is quick and easy to use, and for the
 time being, remains a useful program.
Python-Version: >= 2.5
Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com
Origin: Ubuntu


$ mimms URL


perl でも書こうと思ったら、perldoc が無くてビックリ。


# apt-get install perl-doc
$ perldoc perldoc

PERLDOC(1)            User Contributed Perl Documentation           PERLDOC(1)

       perldoc - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.

       perldoc [-h] [-v] [-t] [-u] [-m] [-l] [-F] [-i] [-V] [-T] [-r] [-ddestination_file]
       [-oformatname] [-MFormatterClassName] [-wformatteroption:value] [-nnroff-replacement]
       [-X] [-L language_code] PageName|ModuleName|ProgramName

       perldoc -f BuiltinFunction

       perldoc -L it -f BuiltinFunction

       perldoc -q FAQ Keyword

       perldoc -L fr -q FAQ Keyword

       See below for more description of the switches.

       perldoc looks up a piece of documentation in .pod format that is embedded in the perl
       installation tree or in a perl script, and displays it via "pod2man | nroff -man |
       $PAGER". (In addition, if running under HP-UX, "col -x" will be used.) This is
       primarily used for the documentation for the perl library modules.

       Your system may also have man pages installed for those modules, in which case you can
       probably just use the man(1) command.

       If you are looking for a table of contents to the Perl library modules documentation,
       see the perltoc page.

       -h   Prints out a brief help message.

       -v   Describes search for the item in detail (verbosely).

       -t   Display docs using plain text converter, instead of nroff. This may be faster,
            but it probably won’t look as nice.

       -u   Skip the real Pod formatting, and just show the raw Pod source (Unformatted)

       -m module
            Display the entire module: both code and unformatted pod documentation.  This may
            be useful if the docs don’t explain a function in the detail you need, and you’d
            like to inspect the code directly; perldoc will find the file for you and simply
            hand it off for display.

       -l   Display only the file name of the module found.

       -F   Consider arguments as file names; no search in directories will be performed.

       -f perlfunc
            The -f option followed by the name of a perl built in function will extract the
            documentation of this function from perlfunc.


                  perldoc -f sprintf

       -q perlfaq-search-regexp
            The -q option takes a regular expression as an argument.  It will search the
            question headings in perlfaq[1-9] and print the entries matching the regular
            expression.  Example: "perldoc -q shuffle"

       -T   This specifies that the output is not to be sent to a pager, but is to be sent
            right to STDOUT.

       -d destination-filename
            This specifies that the output is to be sent neither to a pager nor to STDOUT,
            but is to be saved to the specified filename.  Example: "perldoc -oLaTeX
            -dtextwrapdocs.tex Text::Wrap"

       -o output-formatname
            This specifies that you want Perldoc to try using a Pod-formatting class for the
            output format that you specify.  For example: "-oman".  This is actually just a
            wrapper around the "-M" switch; using "-oformatname" just looks for a loadable
            class by adding that format name (with different capitalizations) to the end of
            different classname prefixes.

            For example, "-oLaTeX" currently tries all of the following classes:
            Pod::Perldoc::ToLaTeX Pod::Perldoc::Tolatex Pod::Perldoc::ToLatex
            Pod::Perldoc::ToLATEX Pod::Simple::LaTeX Pod::Simple::latex Pod::Simple::Latex
            Pod::Simple::LATEX Pod::LaTeX Pod::latex Pod::Latex Pod::LATEX.

       -M module-name
            This specifies the module that you want to try using for formatting the pod.  The
            class must at least provide a "parse_from_file" method.  For example: "perldoc

            You can specify several classes to try by joining them with commas or semicolons,
            as in "-MTk::SuperPod;Tk::Pod".

       -w option:value or -w option
            This specifies an option to call the formatter with.  For example, "-w
            textsize:15" will call "$formatter->textsize(15)" on the formatter object before
            it is used to format the object.  For this to be valid, the formatter class must
            provide such a method, and the value you pass should be valid.  (So if "textsize"
            expects an integer, and you do "-w textsize:big", expect trouble.)

            You can use "-w optionname" (without a value) as shorthand for "-w
            optionname:TRUE".  This is presumably useful in cases of on/off features like:
            "-w page_numbering".

            You can use a "=" instead of the ":", as in: "-w textsize=15".  This might be
            more (or less) convenient, depending on what shell you use.

       -X   Use an index if it is present -- the -X option looks for an entry whose basename
            matches the name given on the command line in the file
            "$Config{archlib}/pod.idx". The pod.idx file should contain fully qualified
            filenames, one per line.

       -L language_code
            This allows to specify the language code for desired language translation.  If
            "POD2::<language_code>" package doesn’t exist (or isn’t installed in your
            system), the switch will be ignored.  All available translation packages should
            be found under the "POD2::" namespace. See POD2::IT (or POD2::FR) in order to see
            how to create and integrate new localized "POD2::*" pod documentation packages in

            The item you want to look up.  Nested modules (such as "File::Basename") are
            specified either as "File::Basename" or "File/Basename".  You may also give a
            descriptive name of a page, such as "perlfunc".

       -n some-formatter
            Specify replacement for nroff

       -r   Recursive search.

       -i   Ignore case.

       -V   Displays the version of perldoc you’re running.

       Because perldoc does not run properly tainted, and is known to have security issues,
       when run as the superuser it will attempt to drop privileges by setting the effective
       and real IDs to nobody’s or nouser’s account, or -2 if unavailable.  If it cannot
       relinquish its privileges, it will not run.

       Any switches in the "PERLDOC" environment variable will be used before the command
       line arguments.

       Useful values for "PERLDOC" include "-oman", "-otext", "-otk", "-ortf", "-oxml", and
       so on, depending on what modules you have on hand; or exactly specify the formatter
       class with "-MPod::Perldoc::ToMan" or the like.

       "perldoc" also searches directories specified by the "PERL5LIB" (or "PERLLIB" if
       "PERL5LIB" is not defined) and "PATH" environment variables.  (The latter is so that
       embedded pods for executables, such as "perldoc" itself, are available.)

       "perldoc" will use, in order of preference, the pager defined in "PERLDOC_PAGER",
       "MANPAGER", or "PAGER" before trying to find a pager on its own. ("MANPAGER" is not
       used if "perldoc" was told to display plain text or unformatted pod.)

       One useful value for "PERLDOC_PAGER" is "less -+C -E".

       Having PERLDOCDEBUG set to a positive integer will make perldoc emit even more
       descriptive output than the "-v" switch does -- the higher the number, the more it

       Current maintainer: Sean M. Burke, <sburke@cpan.org>

       Past contributors are: Kenneth Albanowski <kjahds@kjahds.com>, Andy Dougherty
       <doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu>, and many others.

perl v5.10.0                      2008-12-23                        PERLDOC(1)




  • cd-rom 内のデータをすべてコピーします。
# cp -rf /media/cdrom0/* umineko4/
$ cd umineko4
$ wine launcher.exe
$ .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/07th_Expansion/Umineko4/うみねこの なく頃に.exe 


( しかし、イヤホン差してもスピーカーから音が鳴る問題により外出先では遊べません )

wine 導入

使い道は考えていませんが、wine を導入します。


$ apt-cache show wine 

Package: wine
Priority: optional
Section: universe/otherosfs
Installed-Size: 54492
Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>
Original-Maintainer: Scott Ritchie <scottritchie@ubuntu.com>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.0.1-0ubuntu2
Replaces: libwine-alsa, libwine-arts, libwine-capi, libwine-cms, libwine-esd, libwine-gl, libwine-gphoto2, libwine-jack, libwine-ldap, libwine-nas, libwine-print, libwine-sane, libwine-twain, wine-doc, wine-utils, winesetuptk, xwine
Depends: procps, binfmt-support (>= 1.1.2), libasound2 (>> 1.0.17), libaudio2, libaudiofile0 (>= 0.2.3-4), libc6 (>= 2.7), libesd-alsa0 (>= 0.2.35) | libesd0 (>= 0.2.35), libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1, libglu1-mesa | libglu1, libgphoto2-2 (>= 2.4.0), libgphoto2-port0 (>= 2.4.0), libice6 (>= 1:1.0.0), liblcms1 (>= 1.15-1), libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7), libsm6, libx11-6, libxau6, libxext6, libxml2 (>= 2.6.27), libxslt1.1 (>= 1.1.18), libxt6, libxxf86vm1
Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.14.12ubuntu3)
Recommends: ttf-liberation, winbind, wine-gecko
Suggests: msttcorefonts, xdg-utils
Conflicts: binfmt-support (<< 1.1.2), libwine, libwine-alsa, libwine-arts, libwine-capi, libwine-cms, libwine-esd, libwine-gl, libwine-gphoto2, libwine-jack, libwine-ldap, libwine-nas, libwine-print, libwine-sane, libwine-twain, wine-doc, wine-utils, winesetuptk, xwine
Filename: pool/universe/w/wine/wine_1.0.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb
Size: 7506408
MD5sum: aae26ca7a37846f2d959e24a1e690f4a
SHA1: 5169e9315b68d45f82caaf006490fc29a68aa632
SHA256: bbff7474c3189ad084811b30ab1ac0e5b925262690db2f070a73d4b3c4e64e38
Description: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)
 Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux.
 Applications are run at full speed without the need of cpu emulation. Wine
 does not require Microsoft Windows, however it can use native system dll
 files in place of its own if they are available.
 This package includes a program loader for running unmodified Windows executables
 as well as the Wine project's free version of the Windows API for running programs
 ported from Windows.
  Homepage: http://www.winehq.org/
Bugs: mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com
Origin: Ubuntu

( 色々な物が一緒に入ってくる予感 )



# sudo apt-get install wine




# ntpdate ntp.nict.jp
 1 Jan 21:00:03 ntpdate[8349]: step time server offset -32387.923873 sec

ありがとう nict



emobileD02HW(USB) を使ってインターネットしたかったので設定を行いました。

/etc/ppp/peers/em を作成し、以下の内容を書きます。

user "em@em"
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/pap -T *99***1#"

( /dev/ttyUSB0 は、人によって違うのかもしれません )

# pon em

# poff em